The Health Profile is designed to gather essential information about you, your living arrangement, and your daily routines.
Key Information Collected:
About You: Basic personal information.
Living Arrangements: Details about your living conditions.
Activities of Daily Living: Insights into independence in daily tasks.
Mobility: Understanding your mobility levels.
Sleep: Information around your sleep patterns and routines.
Health: Your overall health rating and any recent hospital admissions.
Keeping Your Health Profile Updated:
Update it at any time through the "Profile" section in the bottom menu of the app. This ensures that your profile remains current and accurately reflects your health situation.
MySense Data Policy:
At MySense, we prioritise the privacy and security of your health data. You own and maintain control over your health information. Rest assured that MySense adheres to a strict ethical data policy, and we will never share or sell your data.
If you have any concerns about your privacy, please refer to our article titled "What are you doing with my health data?" for detailed information.
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